Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Night Running

A picture of Downtown Omaha at night
Since switching jobs I have taken to working out before I head to the office. I get up at the butt crack of dawn (actually before dawn) to get my workouts in. Working out in the morning allows me to get a full workout in, a complete workout schedule, and still have time for my family. I am a wife and mother after all! So far I have enjoyed it. I feel like I get to spend quality family time and get quality workouts. Yesterday, due to some scheduling issues, I wasn't able to get a run in during the wee hours of the morning. So after a long day of work, meeting the "Izzy's" caseworker, and our kiddos bedtime routine, I headed out for a run. It has been months since I've run at night. 

My neighborhood is hilly and the Nebraska winds were definitely blowing, but it felt great. It was dark and quiet. I kept the ipod down low since I was running on the street, so I heard the neighborhood dogs bark, the passing of traffic, and the occasional conversation of people coming in and out of their garages. As I ran, I would get an occasional hint of the smell of laundry in the dryer. It was really nice. I ended up staying up later than my normal bedtime, but I slept great so it really didn't matter.....quality over quantity right??

QUICK REMINDER: Today is the last day to enter my Luck Of The Irish GIVEAWAY!!
                      Please scroll down and get your name in! This bag is truly awesome!


Anonymous said...

Sounds wonderful!!! I live in Nebraska for a few year. Offutt AFB.

Nikki Kendall said...

My hubby was in the National Guard for 8 years so we got to opportunity to use the Field House at Offut! We also go to the air show every tradition!

Jess @ Blonde Ponytail said...

do vegas RNR wth us this dec!!! Running the strip at niht!!

Nikki Kendall said...

Ooooh...Vegas! That sounds like fun!

Unknown said...

So I think that your run sounds fab!!! Keep it up!! Can't wait to see who the winner of the giveaway is!

Happy Frog and I said...

You make running sound wonderful. I am more of a swimmer/walker due to dodgy knees but I can imagine how lovely it must be to run and get away from everything.

AJ said...

that is a really nice blog! as someone said; running never sounded so interesting! good... i liked it.
