Monday, May 17, 2010

Manic Monday

Survived a busy day at work. I took off early to go to Cycle Circuit class at the YMCA. For those who don't know the class is part spinning and part weight lifting. Great class...incredible workout! We typically spin for 15 minutes then lift for 5 minutes and repeat that whole process for an hour. I am dripping sweat by the time I am done. I have been doing the class for months now and it doesn't get any easier!
No workout planned for tomorrow, finally a rest day! Not a whole lot of rest. Dave and I have our 9th foster parenting class. WE will also schedule a time for the agency to come to our home to make sure our home is in complaince with the regulations of the Department of Health and Human Services. NO worries, we are good! Lots of paperwork involved in becoming foster parents. It is worth it!

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