Wednesday, May 26, 2010

It's Official

It's official....we are done with Foster Parenting Classes!! We meet with our agency this Friday to do our home compliance review. During a home compliance review the agency comes to the home and takes measurements, ensures your home meet safety standards, etc. Once that is complete the agency completes the written home study and complies all the necessary paperwork; background checks, finger prints, compliance stuff, and submits everything to the State of Nebraska for approval. Once the State approves the agency's paperwork, the State loads our home into the database and we will then be a licensed foster home and can accept foster care placements.
The A/C went out in my office this week. It got crazy hot in there so we all got to go home early. I went and snuck in a 4 mile run in the afternoon. It was hot and muggy so I took it slow and drank a lot of water.

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