Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Taper Twitches and Business Niches

First... Business Niches.

Although I hate to admit this husband is a brilliant man. We had a really great conversation last weekend about me becoming a personal trainer and how that means I am "opening my own business". We talked about marketing, accounting, and what services I would offer. He suggested I write a business plan if this is really something I want to do. Since I am not taking out a loan, I initially thought he was an idiot...kind of my gut reflex (sorry babe).  BUT...I decided to humor him and boy am I glad I did! Writing up a business plan really made me think hard about start up, promotional marketing, revenue, cost analysis....all of those things a social worker gets to skip over in college. I feel much more secure in the "business" side of things now. I feel like I have a better laid out plan and have better knowledge of what I need to get taken care of in the next month!
Since deciding to become a trainer I have been fortunate to be given some cool opportunities. First come through an alumni of Team In Training. He and his wife run their own personal training studio and allow outside trainers to utilize their studio for their own clients, obviously at a charge, but it seems very do-able! Plus he has also offered to give me some hands on assistance as well! Pretty cool in my book.
His studio sets up a booth at this "women's night" which occurs in a couple weeks. He and his wife will be out of town and he has asked if some of the trainers who work out of his studio would like to work the booth and hand out their own personal training info. to help each trainer drum up their own business. He asked me to help out. Seems like a win-win. I get new clients, he gets people to utilized/rent his studio.
My brother-in-law has been super helpful too! I asked him about building me a website...which is under construction as I type. But he also designed a logo....

AND business cards and a brochure!
How cool is that!

I am pumped! I'd like to start working with clients after Memorial Day!

Second....Taper Twitches.

While on a taper this week and not working out hard...if at all. I have developed twitches. When I lay down to go to bed...I twitch. My legs, feet, arms, head....I twitch all a crack-whore. The Hubby said that when I got into my bigger miles while training for my last marathon...I would basically run in my sleep, my legs were constantly moving.
Not sure what this twitching is all about...but I am ready for it to be done!

1 comment:

oalmasri said...

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Cheers and take care,
